The Liberty Consulting Team
Turn Extraordinary Into Your Ordinary
Organizations are designed to produce specific results. Sometimes this works and sometimes it fails. Too often the failures do NOT educate and inform their future decisions and actions. Too often they fail to confront, understand, and engage what their barriers to success really are.
The 'normal' that once was is gone--forever! Many of us find ourselves at the edge of chaos each and every day. We long for the old 'ordinary'. The bridge to our future is built upon answering these questions:
What Must We Learn To Create A Vibrant Future?
Liberty Consulting Team
can guide you to your future!

Who We Are
Guides to Your Future
The Liberty Consulting Team was founded in 1990 with a single mission: to provide expert levels of support to our clients to empower them into their brightest futures.
At our heart is our belief that most organizations have untapped potential, energy that is often misused, and passion that is too often misdirected. We work from the belief that High Performing Cultures happen intentionally, by design.
Our cohort of organizational behaviorists, brain and leadership experts and master coaches and facilitators help guide our clients to their best futures
Our founder, Larry Liberty, is a former Peace Corps Volunteer, created Liberty Consulting after watching and experiencing the immense dysfunction of
every type of organization while serving in Brazil.
Creating Cultures That Inspire
High Performance Cultures, Teams, Leaders
Since 1990 we have been facilitating, training, consulting, and mentoring organizations and leaders to be their best and to do their best. Change can be a challenge at every level, from individually to organizationally.
We have a specialized set of skills that allow any organization, work group, or individual to consciously become of aware of their shortcomings. This process allows for an honest assessment of strengths and weaknesses. That is where the future begins to take shape.

Our Value Proposition
The Liberty Consulting Team exists to
enable our clients creating and moving into their futures.
We do this by facilitating their critical human behavioral issues. We work with organizations, both large and small, private, governmental, in all sectors. Our unique approach is not only what differentiates us, but also what makes us successful. We provide a specialized range of behavioral sciences services and solutions to help organizations facilitate change, manifest their vision, and optimize individual and team performance and productivity.
Everything that we do is customized to the specific needs of our customers. Your problems, challenges, and issues drive our thinking, designs, and our interventions.
- Organizational Effectiveness Consulting
- Executive Coaching
- Leadership Development
- Mentoring
Most 'executives' did not dream of being a top person in an organization when they were 10 years old. Most executives arrive at the C suite by a combination of hard work, tenacity, and luck.
Often they come to the complex C suite environment with one or two major competencies:
Technical expertise in their domain
Financial, marketing or sales
Engineering, developing, or some other deeply technical expertise.
Their natural inclination is to use whatever skills and abilities got them to this point and then use those skills even more. This can often become a fatal issue.
Our Executive Coaching methodology is designed to accomplish three key things:
Build a safe, intimate, and open relationship between the coach and the executive
Accurate and precisely identify key areas for development and upgrade
Create a coaching plan that accelerates their learning and success.
We call this process "Doing your adult homework."
Our Client List
Current & Past